Other Insurance
A & T also offers its clients the following Insurance services:
Tanning Salons Program
Our Tanning Salons Program is specifically tailored to the needs of the Tanning industry. Limits up to $5 million; a CGL policy including Professional Liability and 5 point crime coverage are just a few of the coverage highlights to this program.
Beauticians & Spas Program
Our Beauty and Spa Program is specifically tailored to the needs of the Beauty and Spa Industry. Limits up to $5 million; a CGL policy including Professional Liability and 5 point crime coverage are just a few of the coverage highlights to this program.
Fitness Facilities Program
Our Fitness Facility Program is specifically tailored to the needs of the Health and Fitness Industry. Limits up to $5 million; a CGL policy including Professional Liability and 5 point crime coverage are just a few of the coverage highlights to this program.
Contact Us for information about products not found here.